If you are co-sleeping with your child it is probably because it seems to be the sleeping arrangement that offers the most amount of sleep to everyone in the house. If your baby or child settles better in the bed beside you it can make bedtime a calmer more pleasant affair. You may have tried other options but eventually came back to the old reliable co-sleeping for a somewhat peaceful night’s sleep. 

If you are co-sleeping with your child it is probably because it seems to be the sleeping arrangement that offers the most amount of sleep to everyone in the house. If your baby or child settles better in the bed beside you it can make bedtime a calmer more pleasant affair. You may have tried other options but eventually came back to the old reliable co-sleeping for a somewhat peaceful night’s sleep. 
In other families, co-sleeping is simply a lifestyle choice. It may be connected to a cultural norm or a family tradition perhaps. From the moment the baby was born co-sleeping was always on the agenda. 
Some children really do settle better when they are close to their parents. In some cases they may fall asleep in your arms or by your side and then an attempt to transfer them to their cot or bed can be fruitful. In other cases, the child has an acute superpower to see through any effort you make to coax them back into their own beds. In the end it often results in indefinite co-sleeping. It is mentally and physically draining to find yourself constantly fighting against what your child wants at bedtime. You tell yourself it won’t be forever, enjoy the snuggles and soak up hours of uninterrupted sleep. 
The very reason why a lot of people choose to co-sleep is because it is easier. But that does not mean that it comes without challenges. Co-sleeping can be a great experience if it is working well for everyone. Here are some of our favourite co-sleeping hacks that make life easier for the whole family. 
  • If you know that you will be choosing to co-sleep from the get-go a certain amount of preparation can take place when you are pregnant. Looking at the position of your bed and the kind of sheets and pillows you have is a good place to start in terms of ensuring that you will be following the co-sleeping safety guidelines. One popular hack is to securely fix your baby’s crib to the side of your bed. It involves the cot being raised to a point where the baby’s mattress will be at the same level as your mattress and it involves careful construction to make sure that it is safely installed. Some people use cable ties and others a drill. It offers a co-sleeping environment but at the same time extends the space of the bed. There are so many tutorials online.
  • Your baby will be used to the sound of you breathing and moving in the bed. This will be the normal sound and experience your baby associates with sleep. Perhaps consider a white noise machine or phone app to play if and when you need to leave the room and want to keep them asleep and comfortable. The noise and activity may be more familiar and relaxing than complete silence.
  • What you all wear can make a big difference to how well you sleep. Co-sleeping can be sweaty and uncomfortable work if the bed is packed and someone is sleeping with their foot in your eye in the midst of it all. Dress appropriately for co-sleeping to maximise comfort. I recommend a pair of summer pyjamas. The opposite can be said for your baby. Dress them in a baby grow that is warm enough that means they will only require a small blanket or no blanket at all. Your own duvet is not suitable for a small baby.
  • When your baby or child is mobile pick up an inexpensive bed rail that you can fix to the side of your bed. It will give you peace of mind for a safe night’s sleep.
  • Have you considered a family bed? Years ago you may have gasped at the thought but could this make life easier for everyone? If you have more than one child co-sleeping it could mean more space for everyone and a more harmonious bed-time for everyone. You could put two double beds side by side if you have the space. It may seem extreme but anything to improve sleep for the whole family! 
Written by Tracey Quinn staff writer at FFHQ who also blogs at www.loveofliving.ie.