When your baby is born it is very normal to feel as though you will never want to be separated from them. In fact the very thought is completely unnatural.

When your baby is born it is very normal to feel as though you will never want to be separated from them. In fact the very thought is completely unnatural. As difficult as it is to imagine there will actually come a time where some time away will actually be a welcomed thing. 
Having some time to yourself is both exciting and anxiety inducing. There are a number of things that have to be organized and considered before you can actually look at the experience as a positive thing. 
Here are our top tips to help make that first night out a positive experience for you and your baby. 
  • Ensure that the timing of this event is on your terms. Do not let other people dictate when you should or should not have a date night, girls night or social experience without your baby. You must feel totally comfortable with the decision.
  • Deciding upon childcare is going to be hugely important to your level of comfort in the situation. The person who looks after your baby must be someone that you trust infinitely. A grandparent or close friend that is already familiar with your baby and their routine is always a good idea. It must be someone that you can confidently and comfortably leave instructions and information with regarding your baby’s routine.
  • Less is more when it comes to relaying the “instructions”. Any little bit of information that will make the babysitter and your baby more comfortable is paramount. For example many babies have certain positions or rituals regarding feeding and sleeping. Giving as much information as possible will make everyone, including you, feel more confident.
  • Start small. You do not have to go on a full blown night out with all the bells and whistles. Do what makes you feel comfortable. A nice meal in a local restaurant is a popular choice for many parents. It is a novelty and a treat to be handed a hot meal and knowing that you are not too far from your baby may help you relax and enjoy the experience more.
  • If you are breastfeeding there will be a certain amount of planning involved. Ensuring that your baby will take the breast milk from a cup or container is extremely important and will involve practice and a couple of trial runs in advance. When deciding upon how much breast milk to leave more really is better. Some women choose to leave 1 oz for every hour that they will be away from the baby for example.
  • Be mindful of alcohol. If you are breastfeeding then consider the fact that alcohol does travel in to breast milk but the most important thing regardless of how you feed your baby is that you are capable of safety looking after your baby and alcohol can impair this.
  • If you find yourself talking about your baby 90% of the time you are completely normal. Welcome to the club!
Written by Tracey Quinn staff writer at Family Friendly HQ. Tracey also blogs at www.loveofliving.ie