If you don’t spend your day thinking of snack ideas, preparing snacks or being asked for snacks are you even a parent?

If there is ever a break in conversation you can be sure one of my kids will say they’re hungry.

Then there's the issue of which snacks they actually like and/or will eat! So, after many failed attempts here are some snacks I can be sure my kids will love.

Breadsticks and Humus

The easiest snack ever but this always goes down a treat no matter what age. You can buy handy finger-sized breadsticks and even small pots of humus; all you have to do is open them!

Banana bread muffins

I usually have to make two batches of these muffins because the first one is always eaten the day I bake them! Okay, banana bread usually has a lot of sugar but it's homemade so that balances that out, right?

Flapjacks are so easy to make and so delicious - always a big hit in our house. You can adapt it to your own needs.

Home-made flapjacks

These flapjacks are so easy to make and so delicious - always a big hit in our house. You can adapt it to your own needs. They mainly contain seeds, oats, honey and the rest is open to interpretation. Adding chocolate chips work so well as a treat for adults!

Protein Balls

Much like the flapjacks, these can really be whatever you want. Lots of recipes don’t even require an oven! Add in dates, coconut, oats and anything else your kids love. So easy and always adored!

Fruit Bowl or Platter

One thing sure to keep them quiet is an array of different fruits all on a platter. Great idea if you have a playdate too.

Rice Cakes with toppings

Rice cakes are so universal. They can be adapted to whatever it is your little one fancies, really. Peanut butter, yoghurt and fruit, avocado or dare we say a little chocolate spread?

If you try out any of these fun snacks, don't forget to tag us in your creations on Instagram! Find us @familyfriendhq.
