When your home feels warm and cozy you are more inclined to want to spend time in it.

Who doesn't like to feel cozy at home? It is one of life's greatest joys. There is something really special about the way a home can be transformed at Christmas time in this respect. The introduction of fairy lights, festive decorations and the infamous Christmas tree can make any space feel instantly cozy. In fact, it is something that many people miss when the time comes to take the decorations down.

When your home feels warm and cozy you are more inclined to want to spend time in it. It becomes the perfect backdrop for snuggling up with a good book or taking to the couch to watch a movie with the kids.

When your home feels warm and cozy you are more inclined to want to spend time in it.

When we are at home we are in our safe place. We feel a sense of security that helps us escape the stress and worries of the day. When we have had some bad news or feel under the weather we want to retreat to the place that makes us feel most at ease.

If you are looking to increase the cozy factor in your home it might just be easier than you think. A few simple changes could transform your home, and more importantly, the way you feel about it.

Twinkly Lights All Year Round

If packing away your Christmas lights makes you feel sad then why not keep them up all year round? Make your own rules. Drapping some fairy lights around your mirrors, bed frame and on window sills could turn your home in to a cozy cave all year round.

Blankets Everywhere

Snuggling up under a blanket is quintessentially cozy. For this reason it is a good idea to have a selection of soft blankets and throws dotted around your house. They are inexpensive and super cozy.

Get That Cozy Smell Factor

When it comes to cozy scents Autumn/Christmas candles are winning at life. Why limit them to the festive times of year though? Candles that contain scents like cinnamon, vanilla and berries can be enjoyed all year round.

Invest In House Plants

You might be surprised to hear this but plants are an excellent way to add a cozy ambiance to your home. When a little thought goes in to where they are placed they can really compliment other cozy furnishings. If you have been known to forget about watering plants we recommend something like a Peace Lily which only requires water when the soil feels dry.

Do You Have A Cozy Tool-Kit?

Cozy can be achieved in an instant when you have the right tools to hand. A nice fluffy dressing gown or comfortable pair of slippers, the "nice" shower gel, having tea from a mug that is the exact shape and size that works for you, your favourite chocolate and a spotify list that helps you to feel calm. The list is endless but these things are powerful. They can change your mood in an instant and help you feel warm, happy and cozy all year round.
