Not only are you dealing with the reality that the occasion or festivities are over and real life is resuming, but now you have a physical chore ahead of you.

Packing up the decorations at any time of year is one of those dreaded tasks. When you are taking the decorations down and planning to decorate there is so much excitement in the air. The very need to decorate implies that a celebration is on the way. There is a build-up leading to something positive and it is the beginning stages of something joyful.
Packing away decorations can often feel like the very opposite. Not only are you dealing with the reality that the occasion or festivities are over and real life is resuming, but now you have a physical chore ahead of you.
The temptation to throw everything into random boxes and get it out of the way is strong. Out of sight and out of mind! It is something you will infinitely regret though. The following year when the time comes to unpack the decorations once again you will curse yourself. You will have made life more difficult for yourself and what should be a positive exciting time will be full of stress.
There are some simple tips which can make the world of difference when packing away your decorations. They will help you spend less time doing the job at hand but ensure that it is done effectively and with minimal amounts of stress.
Take one for the team, follow these tips and it will be done before you know it – we promise!
1. The lights
Instead of simply dumping them into a random box or bag wrap them around a large tin or a box of Pringles. That way you can easily unravel them the following year without the agonising stress that tangled lights bring to everyone in the room.
2. Buy storage containers
If the boxes you are using are falling apart then there is a good chance that they will damage the decorations or fall through after you have packed everything away. As a once off pick up some large storage containers. It is a lifelong investment and they are cheap as chips in Mr Price.
3.Vacuum storage bags
These are cheap, cheerful and store a huge amount without taking up tonnes of space. Use a large one to store your festive bedding, towels, tablecloths and bathroom mats. Put them into the bag freshly washed and they’ll stay clean and fresh until they are needed the following year.
4. Don’t be afraid to dump
Is there a festive candle that is nearing the end of its life? Will it just annoy you to open it in a year’s time only to see that it is practically useless? Use it up, dump it and treat yourself to a new one next year.
5. Make your own rules
You’ve been told about the dates that you should be taking down the decorations but if it doesn’t suit you then do what does. You might need a full day or a couple of hours where the kids are out of the house. Make your own rules and forget everyone else’s plans.
6. Use plastic cups to separate baubles and decoration of different colours and sizes 
You can then line them up side by side at the bottom of a storage container and it will make the unpacking a lot easier next year.
7. Use bubble wrap or towels to ensure that breakables are protected
Think of how these boxes have to be put back in the attic and taken down a year later. You will be absolutely devastated if they end up broken when you take them down next year so take the extra step to keep them safe.
Tracey is a happy mammy to four-year-old Billy. She is a breastfeeder, gentle parent and has recently lost five stone so healthy family eating is her passion! You can find her at