To mark the relaunch of our brand-new Family Friendly HQ website, we wanted to better understand the modern Irish family and how they are spending their quality time.

We conducted a survey which explored different areas of family life, such as work, sleep, commuting, health and wellbeing, children’s activities and more.

The research found that while 99% of people feel that family
life is important, only 36% feel happy with the amount of quality time they currently spend with their family.

This led us to create the Family Moments Hub which is live on our site today. The hub encourages participants to take the Family Moments Challenge which will help them to enhance their quality family time. The hub contains lots of helpful and inspiring content aimed at helping parents to create the perfect work/life balance and to also find ways to fit in that all-important quality family time.

This content includes Family Stories from well-known Irish families, such as Tara Anderson and husband Daniel, Michael O'Leary and wife Emma, Grace Mongey and fiancé Chris, Rosie Connolly and husband Paul, Ranae von Meding and wife Audrey, and many more. As well as that, there is plenty of advice, competitions and much more depending on what results you may get in the challenge!

Some key findings include:

This insightful research allows us to further fulfil our long-term
goal which is to help our community to navigate parenthood in modern Ireland.

So, what are you waiting for? Take the Family Moments Challenge now and maximize your quality time with your family.
