In this series we love to share feel good news. If you would like to be included please get in touch with us. It doesn't matter how big or how small the news is. Let's celebrate it. Tag us on Instagramwith the #feelgoodnews or email

Today's feel good news is all about making the most of a difficult situation. Social distancing and self-isolation measures have made day-to-day life very different for us all. It has interrupted rituals and routines that many of us take great comfort from. Today's news focuses on the idea of community and family. Of coming together by staying apart.

We hope this makes you smile because it made us beam from ear to ear.

Raheny Residents Workout Together On The Street

The residents of a housing estate in Raheny didn't let social distancing interrupt their exercise. In this video you will see a workout routine that spans across an entire street. Neighbours communicated from their gardens and exercised in unison. What a fantastic display of community spirit and togetherness.

Portmarnock Garden Concert Brings Joy To Families

Mark Walsh is a singer based in Portmarnock in Dublin. For a couple of days he has been performing a variety of ballads from his garden to entertain his friends and neighbours. Every evening families of all shapes and sizes stop by to enjoy some music while social distancing. This rendition of Hallelujah is stunning. Thanks to blogger Aoife Bermingham for allowing us to share her video.

Quarantine 1st Birthday

Blogger Kellie Kearney put a smile on our faces today when she shared this photograph of her little girl's first birthday. They had planned a party with family and friends but those plans were cancelled when social distancing measures were introduced. In a bid to make light of the situation she decorated Kasey's play pen and snapped a first birthday part photo that they will never forget. It gave us a giggle!