She was once a person who judged stay at home mums but now that it is her reality she gets it.

Brigette Anne Armstrong is a stay at home mum based in Minnesota. This week, in a tearful Facebook post, she opens up about the realities that she faces on a daily basis in a role that she previously viewed as an easy gig that involved "no real work".

Brigette Anne decided to speak on the social media platform about this topic because she didn't have anyone she could speak to about it in person. The response to the post has been incredible. Comments came flooding in from other stay at home mothers who could relate to Brigette's words. One woman said

"Even on the good days it's still not rainbows and sunshine.... And even on the good days I still go to sleep thinking of the things I didn't accomplish"

In a couple of hours the post had thousands of likes, comments and shares. People tagged their friends and family members in the post in solidarity. This topic of stay at home mums affects so many people and there was an element of gratitude towards Brigette for highlighting it in her viral post. A male commenter said

"SAHD here. I get it. It is never easy. We all feel like this sometimes"

This comment caught the attention of another person who said that they really sympathized with stay at home Dad's because they do not have access to the "tribe of momma friends" that make all the difference. It was just another example of the power of one social media post and the awareness that it can raise about a topic.

Brigette finished the post by saying that she was once a person who judged stay at home mums but now that it is her reality she gets it

In the original Facebook post Brigette detailed the life of a stay at home mother. She spoke about wearing clothes that smell like sweat and tears for days at a time because they are already ruined and "no point wasting more clothes". She spoke about the jealousy that some stay at home mums feel towards working mums who get to "have an excuse to have an adult conversation without being interrupted".

Brigette finished the post by saying that she was once a person who judged stay at home mums but now that it is her reality she gets it. She urges people to check in on stay at home mums because, according to Brigette, they are "NOT ok".
