Schools are banning parents from taking photos of their children at social events because it’s not GDPR, according to the Data Protection Commission.

Schools are banning parents from taking photos of their children at social events because it’s not GDPR, according to a blog post by the Data Protection Commission.
The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has changed how people’s data and information is protected and stored and while most of us just associate this with companies and online communities, it actually makes a difference in everyday life, including taking photos at school events.
In fact, following a number of questions from parents, teachers and photographers about the topic, the Data Protection Commission was forced to issue guidelines to help parents and schools make the right decisions.
According to the post, a number of schools have already put a ban on taking photos at some events, however, the DPC says that it is actually difficult to enforce such a policy. 
"While it is at the discretion of schools to create their own policies on these matters for closed school events, it may be rather difficult to enforce an outright ban – in the name of data protection – on taking photos at, for example, the school’s production of Grease the Musical which members of the public can also attend," they write. 
The issue is not that people can’t take photos, it’s more that if they are sharing photos of their children online that contain other kids, they should take it down if that child’s parent asks you to.
In the blog posted on their website, the DPC writes that there is nothing in GPDR that prohibits you from taking photos at a public event.
In fact, according to the post, it is OK to take a photo if it is just for personal or household activity.
"And while GDPR doesn’t prohibit you from sharing photos on social media, if a parent of a child in a photo you have taken asks you to take a photo you have shared on social media down, then you should," the explain. 
The commissioner acknowledges that “we live in a world where every owner of a smartphone is a potential photographer.
"The GDPR does not provide an exact roadmap on when it’s permissible to take and publish photographs in the context of school events.
"However, a balanced, common sense approach will go a long way towards ensuring that individuals’ rights are respected, while also ensuring that data protection doesn’t become an obstacle to capturing and celebrating significant school events."