Who wants to be a mumtrepreneur (without being quizzed by Chris Tarrant)? Parents already feel like they’re pulled in ten different directions at once and then there’s the mum guilt. So, what if you’ve decided enough is enough and you want to try a new approach?

Most of us have probably had an idea for a business in the past but have never done any more than daydream about it. The big benefit of being a business owner once you’re a mum is that you can dictate your own hours and use the time that they’re napping or in school for a real passion project. If you think you’re ready to take the next step on the road to becoming a mumtrepreneur, here are a few things to mull over.

Do You Have What It Takes?

Yes! Confidence is key. If you don’t believe in yourself no one else will!

What Have You Always Dreamed Of Doing?

You may already have a business in mind, or you may know you want more flexibility, but don’t have a clue where to start. If that’s the case, grab a biro and get brainstorming. You could also ask friends and family if they have any ideas of what might suit you, if they all give the same response, you know it’s meant to be!

What’s Your Niche?

In an ideal world, you’d find a gap in the market, and this could be your niche. Alternatively, just do what you want to do and do it better than anyone else! Make sure you stand out for all the right reasons.

Learn From The Best

Lots of incredible businesswomen have written books about how they got started and how they became a success. So get reading! You may even have contacts that currently or previously worked in the field that you’re interested in, so don’t be afraid to ask them for advice. You’ll be surprised how many people are happy to help.


The prospect of working from home alongside looking after our kids no longer seems as daunting anymore, as many of us had to do it during lockdown anyway. Of course, the fact that schools and creches are now back open certainly helps with fitting in your mumtrepreneur work around their routine. Make sure you’re realistic about how much free time you have though.

Be A Good Role Model

We all want to be good role models for our kids and what could be better than showing them how important it is to follow our dreams? I think the following quote wraps this up quite nicely: "Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life."