Have you noticed that accomplishing these things has become a little more difficult?

I’m sure that you’ve noticed if you are parent of young children that accomplishing certain things has become a little more difficult!
I’m not talking about the obvious ones like using the toilet alone or getting 8 hours sleep at night but more the other things that I had taken for granted before. Like these...
Be Hungover
The drinking part – never a problem, it’s the hangover the next day that I just can’t do anymore.
Sleep In
Sleeping in is like the unicorn of parenting- it does not exist
Take a Sick Day
If you're a parent, particularly one with a child under the age of three, this is next to impossible
Work From Home
Working from home with small kids around is so difficult. It’s ridiculous of me to believe that they can occupy themselves for longer than 30 seconds
Get anywhere fast
I am constantly texting or calling appointments to apologise for being late and it doesn’t matter how early I start or how organised I am
Argue With Your Other Half
Spelling out the swear words is not nearly as effective.
Do Your Nails
Ladies, trying to paint your nails is a task not for the faint of heart if you've got a little one lurking in the background.
Keeping a Clean Kitchen
I once saw on one of those Rotten Ecards “Cleaning the kitchen with young kids around is like trying to eat an Oreo while brushing your teeth”- so true
Watch the 6 or the 9 o’clock News
Kids have a habit of entering the room the reporters start talking about horrid stories - Cue the nightmares- it’s not good!
Whether it’s for groceries, clothes or even toys; the fact remains that it will be much, much harder if you've got a small child with you.
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