Get ready to get resourceful.

I was never a big fan of make-up. The fascination actually came after I became a mother. It gave me a pick-me-up after the long sleepless nights and it made me feel a bit more confident when I returned to work.
These days life is BUSY. Toddler days are long and active and night time is often even longer if sleep isn't coming our way.
I find myself needing my make-up fix more than ever but having less time to do it than the baby-days.
Here are my tips for my 5 minute Mummy Make-Up.
  • Buy a good Micellar water to remove your make-up. I leave mine in the bathroom and it takes half a minute to remove my make-up before I go to bed. It makes the morning routine much easier because I'm dealing with a blank canvas rather than Panda Eyes and patchy foundation.
  • Have a make-up bag which only contains the products you actually wear daily. This was a bit of a revelation for me. It makes my make-up bag way more user friendly and you can also throw it in your hand-bag  or car and know that everything you need is to hand.
  • Lipstick is life. I've only recently started wearing lipstick and it totally transforms my face. I feel like it gives me a bit of life when I only have a quick minute or two. I picked up a light pink/nude in Penneys so it's a cheap and cheerful everyday option that I can easily replace.
  • Don't be afraid of a highlighter. I am not a make-up artist and I don't claim to know a lot about products but highlighter was always something that intimidated me. These days I add a little to the top of my cheeks every single day and it really makes me look brighter and more awake.
  • Water-proof mascara is a must. If my son does something that makes me proud I cry. If an ad for One Born Every Minute comes on I cry. Mums have a lot of hormones and emotions. So yes, Water-proof mascara is the way to go. 
Written by Tracey Quinn, staff writer with Family Friendly HQ
