You can’t pour from an empty cup. A cliché yes, but also very accurate. We all understand that we should fill up our own cup before we can help others, but that's not always attainable. It is not always possible to have loads of time to look after our health and wellness. But looking after yourself can just take a couple of minutes once or twice a day. 

You can’t pour from an empty cup. A cliché yes, but also very accurate. We all understand that we should fill up our own cup before we can help others, but that's not always attainable. It is not always possible to have loads of time to look after our health and wellness. But looking after yourself can just take a couple of minutes once or twice a day. To make sure we are checking in with ourselves and looking after ourselves as best we can. Because remember, a happy parent means happy children.
Time out
We all need time out sometimes, not just our little ones. Whether it be a 10-minute walk to get the baby to nap or 10 minutes in a different room when your partner gets home from work. It’s important to sometimes just switch off and take ten minutes to just have a time out, some alone time. Walking to the school run is also a great way to switch your mind off.
You are what you eat
Be careful with what you put into your body. It really is true that you are what you eat. Remember, it is often difficult for busy parents to make healthy meals and snacks so perhaps you can prepare them the night before. Think more about nurturing your body with food that is going to make you feel your best. Preparation is key. Make a list for your weekly food shop and I promise you will feel the better for it. Both in mind and body.
Find something that works for you. Yoga is my go to, to reconnect my body and mind. You can find all different types of yoga workouts on YouTube just 10 minutes long, so you can do them from the comfort of your own house. They work wonders. 
Getting up a little earlier
A game changer in my opinion. I learned very quickly after my first started school that getting up that little bit earlier made a massive difference. Further, that, get up 5/10 minutes earlier than that. Have your coffee in the garden before the madness of the day. Enjoy the calm, the silence. Even just for those 10 minutes.
Music is a great source of relaxation. While doing your winding down at night, or your 10-minute time-out, find a playlist that helps you disconnect or relax and listen to it. 
Winding down at night
As simple as it sounds take your 10 minutes getting ready for bed very seriously. Put on some relaxation music while taking your make up off and brushing your teeth. Pamper yourself every night, put on your moisturiser and lip balm. You could even take this opportunity to think of three things you are grateful for in the chaotic and busy day you just had.
Written by Laura Doyle staff writer at FFHQ who also blogs at