When you're going through a difficult time, it can be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. You may not feel it now, but there is always hope.

It can be hard to see past the clouds when you’re going through a difficult time with your mental health.

Each day feels endless and you may feel like you will never feel like yourself again.

But trust me, there is always hope. Even after the toughest times. 

What is extremely important is to do the work when you’re feeling good, so when you are feeling not so, you can look back and remember that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. 

Although it is sometimes easy to forget, self-care is vital. Your mental health and emotional well-being should be your top priority.

Remember to look after yourself the same way you would a child or your best friend. Here's how:


Make sure you are getting enough sleep at night. This should be non-negotiable. 

Listen to your body

When we are busy, it can be easy to forget to check in with ourselves. We can find ourselves feeling anxious and not understanding why. Be sure to listen to your body if you need a drink, eat or if you need to take a five-minute break. 


Most of us forget that we hold a huge tool within ourselves. When you are going through a difficult time, remember to breathe. How we manage our breathing will have a direct impact on how we are feeling.

Say No

It’s okay to say no. Empowering even. If your body or mind is telling you that you don’t really want to make plans or you have to pull out of already made plans, do it. You are the most important person in your life, remember that. 

The internet can be a negative place.

Switch Off

The internet has many benefits, but it can for some be a negative place to be when you are not feeling yourself. Social media especially can leave some feeling negative or with lower self-esteem.

If a total detox is not your thing then at least go through who you are following, if they don’t make you feel positive, inspired or teach you something, then unfollow. 

You should practise these self-care steps every day. Journal in the morning or the evening for 5 minutes and talk about what helped you today, focus on what made you feel positive and journal it.

It may not seem much at the time but if you find yourself going through a tough time, looking back over your journal will help you to remember that there is always hope.

If you are still feeling hopeless speak to a friend, a colleague even a stranger but the worst thing you could do is bottle it all up.

There are lots of support helplines or websites you can find some hope on too. Especially if you don’t feel like speaking face to face. Here are some support lines that can and will help you. Remember you are not alone in this and there is always help and most of all, hope.

If you need someone to speak to, please call:

Samaritans Ireland- 116123

Pieta House-1800247247

Aware- 1800804848