Does anyone else agree that Christmas Eve is the most magical day of the year? Of course, Christmas Day comes a close second, but I don’t think anything can beat the excitement of looking out for Santa’s sleigh in the sky and wondering whether you’ll hear Rudolph’s hooves on your roof.

To be honest it’s a surprise that anyone in the house sleeps a wink! But, what if you could pull off a Christmas miracle and make this Christmas Eve the most magical yet? Here’s how you can rise to the challenge.

Game Night

Game night is always a hit in our house so if we hold an extra special one on Christmas Eve, it’s sure to go down a treat. Look out for Christmas-themed board games such as 'Santa’s Rooftop Scramble Game' (which I’ve just picked up) and either you (or the elf) can gift them on Christmas Eve morning. Christmas Eve boxes are such a cute tradition and if you can fill them with something that will keep them entertained later (while they’re desperately trying to make the time go faster) then you’re onto a winner!

Christmas Eve Dinner

Christmas Day dinner is the most anticipated meal of the year but there’s nothing to say you can’t start indulging in something special one day early. Agree on your favourite meal as a family (if it’s a takeaway then that means no cooking for you) and dress up the dinner table with candles (LED are safest) and lots of sparkly decorations. Throw on the Christmas tunes and put out the Christmas crackers, it’s time to get the party started!

Runway Magic

I’m sure they know they’re on the nice list already, but what if they want to make absolutely sure that Santa stops by? If you’re fortunate enough to have a front garden or driveway, help them create a runway using lights or lanterns to show Santa’s sleigh where to land. If you thought your house was lit up enough already, you were wrong!

Jingle Bells

When you’re little you listen out and look out for any clues that Santa’s arrival is imminent (even if you’re tucked up in bed and meant to be asleep). Why not slip out into the back garden (making sure you’re out of sight of their bedroom windows) and jingle some bells. Ho, ho, ho Santa is here!

A Thank You Note

While seeing the leftover crumbs from Santa and his crew is exciting, why not up the ante and write a little thank you note to your children from the big man. After all, it’s the least he could do after the kids prepared such a delicious treat for him and his reindeer. Maybe Rudolph could sign it too with his hoofprint and if they appreciate toilet humour (what child doesn’t), he might even leave a pile of poop (aka chocolate raisins)!