Many relationships are affected by a lack of conversation and poor communication because phones, tablets and TV’s have replaced the art of doing and saying.

Technology is a brilliant tool in everyday life. It is wonderful to be able to share so many photographs and videos with the people we love. Life is also infinitely easier when you can order takeaway from the couch and you have social media to remind you about people’s birthdays (they’ll never know, don’t worry), but it also has its host of down-sides.
Technology can really replace meaningful interactions between people. Many relationships are affected by a lack of conversation and poor communication because phones, tablets and TV’s have replaced the art of doing and saying.
It is never too late to face this issue head-on. Prevention is also the best cure so why not try to steer things in a different direction from this point on? Re-lighting that special spark with the person you love is a really magical experience.
Have you considered when the last real conversation was had between you? Was it in some way interrupted by or accompanied by technology?
This is not about inducing guilt because in modern day society so many of us have unwillingly fallen into these patterns. Our careers and general day to day family life is busier than ever which means that technology is also more important than ever.
We find ourselves needing to communicate quicker and have as much help as possible with everyday tasks.
Here are some technology-free date night ideas which might just breathe a bit of fresh air into your relationship. It could be just the ticket for now and the new year ahead.
1. Board Games
Seriously, these are completely underrated. If your current collection doesn’t excite you then pick up a new one together. You can be sure that it costs less than a night out. Light some candles, leave the phones upstairs and crack open a bottle of wine. It is refreshing to do something completely different together and this one is surprisingly romantic!
2. A Short Stroll For Coffee And cake
Leave the phones at home, put your coat and hat on and enjoy a stroll in the great outdoors. Make your way to the nearest coffee shop and enjoy some coffee and cake together. It might only be a ten-minute walk but you might be surprised by how great the conversation is when the fresh air is flowing and the phones are not interfering.
3. A DIY Task
An open mind might be needed for this one but have you been talking about filling photo frames or upholstering the kitchen chairs for months now? Why not set a date, pick up some nibbly bits and enjoy doing it together with your favourite music on in the background. OK, so music is technology but we will allow this one! It’s quality time and you are ticking a job off your list at the same time.
4. A Cookery Class
My husband and I have really enjoyed two classes with the Italian School Of Cookery in Dublin and we can’t recommend them enough. A couple of hours of cooking, laughing, eating and then talking about the beautiful food we made was unbelievably refreshing.
5. Plan Some Adventures
How wonderful to spend a couple of hours putting a bucket list together. You can thrash out ideas for holidays, date nights and new activities and hobbies to enjoy together. You can do the actual research some other time. This is technology-free and the idea is to reconnect as you disconnect.

Tracey is a happy mammy to four-year-old Billy. She is a breastfeeder, gentle parent and has recently lost five stone so healthy family eating is her passion! You can find her at