Here are some great ways to encourage the mother-son bond.

Since becoming a mother I have learned more about myself than I ever thought possible. I have changed and grown as a women and I have my children to thank for that. I was blessed with daughters and one son. Bonding with them and being the best mother I can be is very important to me. As my children get a little older I’ve realised that bonding with my daughters can sometimes be different than bonding with my son.
Here are some of my favourite ways to encourage the mother-son bond.

Movie Night
Every month or so when daddy is out (or sometimes he joins us) we pick a movie and get our favourite goodies, close the curtains and sit on the couch with a blanket. Usually it’s not my favourite movie, and 9/10 he will pick the same one!! But does it matter? What matters most is this is his time… doing something he enjoys and eating treats, he definitely enjoys! But all making memories of time we spent together! Another thing I love to do is talk about the movie. What is his favourite bit? Favourite character? What if this happened? How would this person feel? All little nudges to get that imagination going too!
Go to a concert
Obviously with a family of (almost) 6 budget comes into play when planning days out or bonding activities. But if you can I would highly suggest booking a concert! We have only been able to go to one so far but it was so worth it!!! He loved it more than I ever thought he would and he was in awe of everything! He still talks about how much fun he had and we went 2 years ago! My only tip would be to book seating and not standing when they are still young!
A Day Out
Much like our movie nights we plan a day out just the two of us, usually one Saturday a month. It doesn’t have to break the bank and is normally a trip on the train to an ice-cream parlour, a hot chocolate and a trip to our local book store. Not as often as I would like, the cinema or bowling. Or just a cycle to the park an ice cream on the grass and a cycle home!
Video Games
This is probably one of my sons favourite things to with (with anybody) me! Again, not very often. And I’m not very good. I’m not even sure I’ve been fully educated by him on how to play properly, which does give him an unfair advantage. But boy does he enjoy winning, and letting me know about it! And that is my favourite part of playing video games with him, his smile, his laugh and not taking myself or him too seriously.
This is probably one of my favourite bonding activities with him. Again, I cannot stress enough, it doesn’t have to be anything out of the ordinary. We love to make Rice Krispie cakes, choc chip cookies or a banana bread. But again, it’s the making of it and the concentration on his little face as he tries his hardest to follow my instructions. This is what I for sure will remember when I look back and on our baking days.   
Written by Laura Doyle. Laura blogs over at @ Love, Life and Little Ones. She's a 29 year old mum of three and part time beauty therapist! She's expecting baby #4 and loves writing about all things parenting, beauty and lifestyle related.
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