There is no friendship quite like the one that you have with your “mum friends”.

There is no friendship quite like the one that you have with your “mum friends”. They’re existing in the same bizarre world that you reside and they just... get it. It’s an unapologetic raw kind of thing.
THIS is why there is no friend quite like a mum friend
  • She is the only friend that willingly participates in conversations about bodily fluids. It might be about TTC or it might be about nappies but it’s a legitimate and regular topic of conversation.
  • The only exercises she wants to do are the ones that claim to “fix” her pelvic floor and sure you can do that together in a coffee shop.
  • She is completely unphased by the fact that every conversation actually has about ten other mini-conversations happening at the same time. You jump from topic to topic and wonder how it started with the coffee that was on sale in Tesco and ended with crying over a Facebook video about cats.
  • She’s straight to the point and will blatantly ask if you’ve “been having sex”.
  • She has a way with your child. She speaks to them in the same way that you do and you love her for it. She’s not shy about telling the off or giving them a cuddle.
  • She is on board with the fact that all of your “meetings” should and will, on some level, involve food.
  • She hasn’t noticed that you’ve worn the same jumper the last three times you’ve seen her but she has noticed that you got your roots done (and told you it looks great).
  • Your rendezvous involve no stress in terms of needing a child-minder or a ensuring it’s in a child-appropriate venue. The kids are always with you and you’ve both sussed out the best locations.
  • The conversations are so easy. There is no need for elaborate background info or explanations because chances are she can relate and is going through the same things.
  • Her expectations are non-existent. Your house doesn’t have to be clean and your child does not have to be dressed adorably. She’s here to see you and you are enough.
Written by Tracey Quinn, Staff Writer, with Family Friendly HQ. 
