Attachment parenting is an approach to parenting that is focused on creating a secure bond between parent and child. This form of parenting sees a strong emphasis placed on the emotional and physical needs of the baby/child above all things. Many attachment parents will breastfeed and baby wear but there is so much more to the parenting style than those two things. It regards the way in which a parent sensitively responds to all of their children’s needs. 

Attachment parenting is an approach to parenting that is focused on creating a secure bond between parent and child. This form of parenting sees a strong emphasis placed on the emotional and physical needs of the baby/child above all things. Many attachment parents will breastfeed and baby wear but there is so much more to the parenting style than those two things. It regards the way in which a parent sensitively responds to all of their children’s needs. 
Attachment parents tend to respond with acute empathy and sensitivity to their children’s needs. There is a strong physical and emotional connection between parent and child in all situations. Attachment parents do not participate in sleep training or “cry it out” methods of soothing a baby. They respond in a nurturing manner. The same can be said for discipline – attachment parents practice positive discipline methods. 
You might be wondering if there are any long-term benefits of attachment parenting. It is believed that there are many. 
  • Attachment parenting often leads to babies who cry less. Crying is not something that they have experienced a huge amount of as their parents respond to their needs very quickly. They also tend to be less fussy and colicky. Their temperament is that of a content and comfortable baby. 
  • Children tend to have great relationships with their peers at school. They have huge levels of empathy and enjoy helping other people. They will ask for help if they need it and they are less likely to develop behavioural problems. 
  • High self-esteem is really common in children who have experienced attachment parenting. They have had great levels of trust in their caregivers from an early age and have always felt as though their feelings and opinions mattered. This is something that is carried with them into adulthood. 
  • Romantic relationships are extremely strong as they have acquired high levels of empathy and affection. They listen and promote communication and trust between them and their partners. 
  • Attachment parenting leads to smarter children according to some research. The skin-to-skin contact has a positive effect on brain development as does having responsive parents. These things stimulate the brain in a way that helps it to develop faster. In essence, they spend less time crying and more time learning and growing. 
  • Independence. The child feels secure in his or her connection to the parent. They know that the parent will be available to them when they help or guidance. This, in turn, leads to them growing up to be confident and independent individuals who have few issues with separation from their parents.
  • Stress levels are lower. Crying is stressful. Not having your needs responded to is stressful. Children who experience attachment parenting tend to be easier going and respond better to stress. There is also less instance of early childhood trauma and anxiety which can have an effect on one’s physical and mental health. 
  • They are affectionate children and adults. Skin-to-skin contact and affection are considered normal and natural. From a young age, they may have been breastfed, carried in a sling and bed-shared with their parents. Their first relationships began on a positive level physically and in adulthood, they demonstrate high levels of affection and body confidence. 
Written by Tracey Quinn staff writer at FFHQ who also blogs at