It might make the transition a teeny bit easier

School time is upon us and the kids will either be deliriously happy or distraught! Getting back into a routine is never easy but it can be made manageable by preparing your child and having a chat about what is ahead. Here are some things to discuss with your nipper before they return to school. 
  • Start on the right foot- Before the first day of school you should remind your child that you want it to be a fun first day and would rather not have and tedious tantrums. Sure, they may be tired or in a mood but there really is no need to be, the first days are imperative to get off on the right foot. 
  • Stick the routine and stay organised- Getting your kid up at the same time, giving them their breakfast and free time before school is vital. Encouraging a good routine will make the transition easier and remaining organised after school is important too. Being organised isn’t simple but a few minutes every evening will gain you extra time in the morning to spend time with your kid. 
  • Time to see school pals again- School isn’t all bad and getting to see friends again is brilliant for your little ones. Sure, they may have had playdates and camps but seeing their school friends after so long is great. It gives them a chance to catch up and chat about their summer. 
  • It may take time to get into it again- Starting a new class can be stressful for a child especially if they were previously attached to their teacher from last year. It may take them a while to grow comfortable with their new teacher and new class. This is normal and your child will get there eventually. Make it an adventure and tell your kid how it will be good to get to know their teacher and how exciting their new class work will be. Kids love to feel grown up so again- big them up!
  • There will still be fun days- Though the summer is over it doesn’t mean the fun days that were had over the summer are finished with. Winter is coming but wrapping up warm is so easy and heading out to go for walks or to the park is just as easy in the winter as it is in the summer. Autumn is a wonderful time to go on forest walks and jump in the leaves, plenty of fun to be had no matter what time of year it is. 
  • Halloween and Christmas are coming- We hate to state the obvious but Halloween and Christmas is coming!! Woo hoo! Anyway, there will be trick or treating, toffee apples and carving pumpkins in a few weeks. Once that is over sure Christmas will be upon us and Santa! There are plenty of things to look forward to and loads of days off to enjoy them too. 
  • Now get the kids to school prepared and get yourself to a coffee shop; you deserve it!  
Written by Emma Hayes, staff writer with Family Friendly HQ