Just like with bicycles, there is a lot to consider when purchasing a scooter for your child and with such a wide variety available on the market, you might want some reassurance that you have made the right choice.

With so many things to look out for from durability, safety and even the amount of wheels, we have put together a list of tips to help guide you in buying the right scooter for your little one.

You get what you pay for.

The lower the price, the cheaper it was to make, meaning it probably won't last long. When buying a scooter, consider looking at the material used to make it. For example, scooters made mostly of plastic are at a higher risk of breaking, and the noise alone is enough to drive you insane.


How long do you want the scooter to last? Where will it be used? Are the handlebars adjustable? Consider all these questions when investing in a quality scooter. Additional features like adjustable handlebars will allow the scooter to grow with your child and will pay off in the long run. 

Size matters.

Scooters come in a variety of wheel sizes, so choose accordingly - a typical size is 110mm. It is also important to note the weight limit on your preferred scooter. Always opt for the one which has a higher weight carrying capacity. 

Height matters.

One of the most important things to look at when buying your child a scooter is a handlebar - it needs to suit the height of your child. Using the right height handlebar will help your child balance on the scooter, making them glide along effortlessly. Grips on the handlebar are also a must. 

Safety first.

Regardless of how old your child is or where they will be using it, a helmet is essential. Ensure their safety by having a helmet fitted at the time of purchase. It will protect their head from injury if any falls occur. If your child is learning for the first time, it won't hurt to invest in elbow, hand or knee pads for added protection. 

Three and four-wheel scooter are better options in the early days.


Opt for a scooter made from aluminium, a lightweight and durable material. As for the wheels, try to avoid plastic in favour of rubber wheels. Not only will they last the test of time, but it will also help your child accelerate on smooth surfaces much more comfortably. 

Replacement parts.

All good scooter retailers and brands will offer services on scooters and replacement parts. If you are unsure about this, ask the store assistant or look at the product information listed alongside the scooter online. 

The platform.

The foot deck where your child places their foot to scoot should be slip-resistant to prevent falls on wet days. Some scooters have a roughened platform while others have a sandpaper-like surface. The base of the scooter should be broad enough to fit their foot with room on either side. 

Foldable design.

While this isn't important to everyone, it's a handy feature meaning it can be easily stored and transported. It's something to consider if you plan on taking the scooter on holidays with you. 


When learning to scoot, young children may need help balancing so for this reason, it is recommended you choose multiple wheels. Three and four-wheel scooter are better options in the early days, and once they have mastered the balancing act, you can upgrade to a two-wheel scooter. Alternatively, you can look for a scooter that grows with your child with adjustable wheels. 

What do you look for when buying a scooter?