Aside from Christmas, of course, Halloween is without a doubt up there with the best days of the year for my kids. Halloween is very family orientated within my partners family and his mum hosts a whopper Halloween bash for the kids each year with all the classic and traditional games included. 

Aside from Christmas, of course, Halloween is without a doubt up there with the best days of the year for my kids. Halloween is very family orientated within my partners family and his mum hosts a whopper Halloween bash for the kids each year with all the classic and traditional games included. Here are some of the games we play year in year out after our trick or treating and sugar-fueled snacking as we watch the bonfire from a distance safely in Nana's garden. 
Wrap the Mummy
Get the mums involved and divide all the kids into two teams and let the kids work together to wrap each mum with rolls of tissue paper. It is the perfect game for kids of all ages. When the game wraps up, see which team can pick up the most tissue paper for an extra point. 
Pass it on Ghost Stories
Turn the lights down, light up some candles and play some spooky music in the background for added effect. Then starting with the youngest child tell child-friendly ghost stories in a Chinese whisper fashion. Bellies will hurt from the laughter as they near the end of the line. 
Halloween Eviction
It's basically musical chair with a new name. Use music from a spooky Halloween movie like Hocus Pocus or the Goonies for this fun game with a twist. 
Monster Freeze
Another traditional game that is guaranteed to please. Blare the Halloween tunes and let them dance to their heart's content until the music stops. The smallies who move when the music stops are eliminated and the last mini monster standing wins.
Frankenstyle Bowling
On the lead up to Halloween give each child a task of decorating a tin can. A super fun task for all and a good giggle on the night seeing what all the kiddos came up with. Stake each of the tins pyramid style, then use a mini bean bag to see who can knock the most down in one throw. 
Pumpkin Patch Stomp
One of my favourites and guaranteed to give you the lols. Prior to the party blow up a heap of orange balloons. Before dark let the kids out into the garden to stomp as many balloons as the can without using their hands. Bums, tums and feet only. You could pop some little prizes into the balloons before you inflate them too.
Halloween Bingo
It is a lot simpler than you may think and cheap too. Download some of the many free printables available online and give the kids popcorn to cover their cards. The winner shouts stinky pants or something else ridiculously hilarious. Let them decide before the game commences. 
Target Practice
This one can get a little messy so you will definitely need a large old t-shirt from granddads wardrobe and a shower cap. To play a child wears the shower cap on their heads and an adult will squirt cream all over the top of it. The remaining kids then take turns throwing a food of their choice with an aim of landing in the cream. We usually use popcorn or jelly beans and it's absolutely hilarious.
Pin the Spider on the Web
So easy and fun to create. Using masking tape create a spider web on a flat surface such a door or wall then print off or draw a creepy crawly. Use nana's eye mask or any old rag to cover their eyes, then spin each child three times and see where they end up plotting the spider. Closest to the middle wins. 
Classic Games
Don't forget about the old school traditional Halloween games like bobbing for apples, pass the apple, snap apple and of course the biggest Halloween treat of all, the bairín breac. Before your party make sure you pick up the baked loaf including a ring of course. It's not a Halloween party without one. 
Written by Kellie Kearney staff writer at FFHQ who also blogs at