Cloud dough is similar to play dough and can be used as a great sensory playtime activity for kids.

Most of us know by now how important sensory play is for our kids. It's fun and stimulating for all the senses while also being calming and mindful at the same time. Rolling up their little sleeves and getting messy is what little ones do best, so knowing that it's good for them is worth the paint smudges and water splashes. If you're looking for another great sensory activity, cloud dough could be your new bestie.

Not only is cloud dough great for sensory development but it also is super easy to make at home. We were amazed when we came across this recipe on Mas & Pas that only uses two ingredients and looks just as fun and squishy as the shop-bought stuff. Here's everything you need to know about this two-ingredient cloud dough.

You will need: 2 parts cornflour and 1 part conditioner (according to Mas & Pas, it's easiest to measure this out using cups). You can also add a drop of food colouring if you have it but this is optional.

How to make cloud dough with two ingredients.

  1. Mix your ingredients.

    Simply mix together 2 parts cornflour to 1 part conditioner. You can start my mixing it with a spoon, and then start moulding it with your hands until it forms a dough. If it's too sticky at this point, add more cornflour.

  2. Add food colouring.

    Once your dough is mixed together, you can add a drop of food colouring and mix again. We personally think that pastel colours work best, but feel free to get as colourful and bold as you like!

And there you have it, simple and fun two-ingredient cloud dough. Sensory playtime doesn't get much easier than that!