Gone are the days when my only concern was what in-flight movie I would watch on

Gone are the days when my only concern was what in-flight movie I would watch on a flight or when I would try and have a nap. After a trip alone with my baby, it had me thinking of what tips I would bestow on other parents thinking of embarking on the brave task. Travelling alone with a baby is not the nightmare you imagine it might be. Really.
  • If your baby is under two you can mention at check in that they will be in your arms for the flight. The airline may try to leave the seat/seats beside you free giving you more room with your little one.
  • If you are travelling with your pram or car seat most airlines will allow you to take these items to the gate. Making things a lot easier throughout the airport. If you have an expensive pram it might be an idea to buy a travelling bag to pop it into at this point.
  • Change your little one’s nappy as close to boarding as possible. There are facilities on board but if you can do it beforehand and have one less thing to worry about mid-flight, even better.
  • Bring as little as possible. You only have two hands and trust me you will need them free. If you have a sling, were possible wear your baby. If possible, invest in a backpack type nappy bag. It will make things a lot easier.
  • Keeping a baby entertained in a confined space is not the easiest of tasks so the less amount of time you have to do it the better. Board the flight last. If your baby is walking let them run around up until the last minute. The shorter the baby is aboard the plane the better. 
  • If the seatbelt sign is off and it is safe to do so, bring your little one for a walk to the toilet. The movements will calm baby and you may even get some admiring smiles from other passengers to boost your mood too. 
Written by Laura Doyle, Staff Writter at Family Friendly HQ. Laura also blogs at Love, Life and LittleOnes
