Unstructured play is a category of play where children engage in open-ended play that has no specific learning objective. Unlike structured play, unstructured play is not instructor-led, so parents, teachers, and other adults do not give directions. It also does not have a particular strategy behind it.

Unstructured play is a category of play where children engage in open-ended play that has no specific learning objective. Unlike structured play, unstructured play is not instructor-led, so parents, teachers, and other adults do not give directions. It also does not have a particular strategy behind it.
Unstructured play is often informally referred to as simply "letting kids be kids" or "just play." At times, you may also hear it called "free play" or self-play."
Child-Led Play 
Rather than have a purpose, the play and activities are child-led, often leading to play that is creative and improvised. Unstructured play also doesn't necessarily mean a child plays alone. 
The primary difference is the ultimate intent. For example:
  • Building a city with blocks is unstructured play. Following directions to put together a Lego kit is structured play.
  • Singing silly songs out loud is unstructured play. Singing silly songs out loud about the days of the week is structured play.
In both cases, neither one is more important than the other. Both are necessary and both fulfil basic needs in early childhood development.
The Importance of Unstructured Play 
Unstructured play is important for a child because it gives them a sense of freedom and control. It also allows them to learn about themselves, what they like and don't like, and even make mistakes without feeling any pressure or failure.
Many experts feel that unstructured play is a necessary part of childhood. It is recommended that little ones engage in some form of unstructured play for at least an hour each day. Several hours is even better.
Getting the Most Out of Unstructured Play 
To help children get the most out of unstructured playtime, be sure to have plenty of materials on hand- age-appropriate toys, a big enough space, and plenty of time. You can also use non-traditional items to encourage your little one to engage in unstructured play:
  • Hula hoops: While most little ones aren't physically able to hula hoop properly, they certainly can have fun trying.
  • Juggling scarves: Again, they probably won't use the scarves as intended, but a little one will come up with plenty of creative uses.
  • Cardboard boxes (how many times has your little one got a gift and had more fun with the box?!)
  • Paper towel rolls
  • Chalk
  • Lego
  • Bucket of water and a sponge
  • Sticks 
  • Stones (Be age appropriate)
Leave these and similar items out for your child and you will be amazed at the creativity that your little one engages in.
The many benefits of unstructured play
  • Play is important for healthy development of the brain
  • Undirected play helps children learn how to work collaboratively, to share, to negotiate, to resolve conflicts, and learn self-advocacy skills;
  • When play is child-driven, children practice decision-making skills, move at their own pace, discover areas of interest on their own, and ultimately engage fully in the passions they wish to pursue
  • When play is controlled by adults - such as in organized sports - children have to follow to adult rules and concerns (like winning) and lose some of the benefits play offers them, particularly in developing creativity, leadership and group skills.
  • Play offers parents a wonderful opportunity to engage fully with their children
  • Play and unscheduled time that allows for play with children their age is an important part of social-emotional learning.
Written by Laura Doyle staff writer at FFHQ who also blogs at www.lovelifeandlittleones.com.