If you answer yes to these 5 things then it could be time

Moving a toddler from a cot to a bed is one of those parenting jobs we don’t look forward to. However, it’s best to ensure your child is ready for a toddler bed before you take the plunge and throw out the cot. With this in mind here are a few signs that your tot is ready for a toddler bed and hopefully it will make the process as hassle free as possible.
Behaves well unsupervised- If your toddler is able to behave well while unsupervised albeit even for a few minutes he should be ok if he gets out of bed or goes wandering. One way to ease your worries is to child proof their room making it entirely safe, placing locks on windows, placing any items up high and only leaving harmless toys around and place a gate on their bedroom door so they are unable to leave the safety of the room and potentially harm themselves. 
Climbing out of his cot- There is nothing worse when your child starts to hop out of their cot and if they land safely it is fine but there is every chance they could injure themselves unwittingly. If it is a once off it probably isn’t anything to worry about but if it is a case where your nipper is throwing themselves out all the time, you need to think about a toddler bed to avoid an accident. 
Asking for a big bed- Kids are inquisitive little beings and if they see others in a big bed they too will become interested in having the same, mixed with the array of tot beds available now it makes for an exciting experience for a child. Make a big fuss of your child and bring him out to buy new quilt covers and blankets, along with a night light it will show them how great it is to have a big kid bed and hopefully stop them playing up when they do hit the hay! 
Doesn’t like his cot anymore- Your youngster may not be jumping out of their cot but instead is moaning and isn’t happy in the cot at all. Some kiddies feel suffocated in such a confined space and feel they need extra room and that is entirely understandable so best to change over and let them feel comfortable. 
Understands bedtime and has a good routine- If your nipper heads off to bed easily and is happy enough doing so it is a good sign that a toddler bed is a good move for them. Of course there will be some cross over period when it will be hard getting your child to settle during the first few nights that said some children easily fall into a routine of their new bed and don’t run around because of their new found freedom. 
Like everything else in parenting it may not be easy but you and your toddler will get there, somehow!
Written by Emma, Irish mummy blogger and writer with Family Friendly HQ. Check out her own blog at emmasmadjotters.com
