Women's Christmas: 6 easy ways to celebrate the wonderful Irish women in your life today

Today is Little Christmas, or Nollaig na mBan as it's known and celebrated in Ireland.

In times past, it was the day when men would take over the house chores after the long slog of Christmas, and the women would rest up and take a day off for themselves... Sounds nice!
Nowaday's it is more concentrated on ladies taking the time to celebrate other great ladies by spending time together and celebrating the sisterhood!
So here's some easy ways to celebrate Women's Christmas or Nollaig na mBan as it's known and celebrated in Ireland.
Diary it!
Gather your female pals and relatives for chats and drinks (tea, cocktails- whatever works) and agree to annually celebrate the 6th January together each year.
Mutual Appreciation
What are you favourite things by other women? Books, articles, designs, bakes, songs... Tweet them, facebook them, eat them, sing them! 
Girl Power
Sometimes girls just wanna have fun; but sometimes they wanna rule the world. Check out this great combo of 10 Super Girl Power Songs 
Get in touch!
Contact a girlfriend you' ve not seen or spoken to in ages! Drop them a text, facebook message, phone call or maybe go old skool and write a letter. Make a pledge to to meet up before the next Nollaig na mBan and invite them to your annual girl date!
Finish off the last of the Christmas goodies with your gal pals!
All those tins of sweets, the cheese, the bags of crisps... have a 6th Jan eat fest and bring all your leftovers over to one house and get stuck in and binge for the night with some chick flicks!
Decoration Party
Little Christmas or the Feast of the Epiphany is also traditionally the day when the tree and all associated decorations and lights should be put away for another year. Pull a name out of the hat each year and go to that person's house to help take their decoations down - and have a little tipple when you do! The next year- that person's name stays out of the hat, so it's always someone elses turn. 
This is one under rated holiday that we think we should all wholeheartedly embrace.
Not just for wonderful Irish women in our lives but for all females around the world - mum's, sisters, aunts, Godmothers, friends and colleagues!
At some stage today, take the time to appreciate all of the wonderful women you have been lucky enough to encounter in your life!
Happy Women's Christmas everyone x

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