How To Create The Best Homework Environment For Your Teenager

Teenagers don’t like having to do homework and this is perfectly understandable - parents aren’t mad about it themselves.

Consider improving their homework environment and you might find them sitting down easier. A homework environment needs to be fit for purpose, and it should be away from distractions too.

Here are some tips on creating the best homework environment for your teenager:

Look at the space you have.

For some families, space is a huge factor in their homes so having a “study room” may not be possible but you could create a good environment for homework in their bedroom.

This may be the best space to give them the freedom to work and study in peace away from the rest of the family. Other options could be the kitchen, or a spare room turned into a mini office for your teenager. 

Consider your lifestyle.

Some families have several kids which may make it harder to give a teenager the peace to study in the kitchen or other rooms. If you have a couple of younger kids, you do need to make sure that your teen has some privacy.

If all your kids are older than your teenager may be able to study and do their homework in the kitchen. It really depends on your family life. 

Make rules.

If your teenager is studying and doing homework, they need to understand that there are rules for those times. Teenagers are easily distracted and honestly, who can work while their phone is buzzing?

Ban the phone during study and homework time but give them time after or before to use their phone. If they need to check something with friends, allow them to do so but keep some routine on the time and how long they can have their phone during homework time. 

Comfort and style.

It may sound silly but if your teenager has a room to do their homework in that they like, they will do their homework a little easier. It is important that the chair they sit at and their desk is comfortable to encourage them to study.

If you can, before your teenager heads into the exam years, let them have a say about how their bedroom study area will be as this will give them some ownership over it.


Natural light is best, but we know that during the winter months, natural lighting can be hard to come by. Either way, good lighting is key and you should ensure your teenager's homework spot is well-lit so they don’t strain their eyes. 

Healthy snacks.

A teenager who has eaten is going to be more able for homework and studying so encourage them to eat well before they hit the books. Have lots of healthy snacks at home and juice or smoothies are another good option for busy teenagers.

In their homework space itself, you could leave chewing gum, fruit, nuts or low-sugar sweets on their desk for when your teenager wants something small. 


Emma Hayes

Emma Hayes is a busy mum to two girls aged 17 and 11 and is married to her childhood sweetheart.

Read more by Emma
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